Welcome to the OpenOffice.org Association of South Africa.

Dear Reader,

Thank you for visiting the OpenOffice.org Association for South Africa (OASA) website.

OASA was formed in July 2003 with the following aims:
  • Provide an infrastructure for the receipt of sponsorships and donations intended for the benefit of OpenOffice.org in South Africa.
  • Assist the OpenOffice.org South African Marketing Project in the advancement of it's objectives, projects and goals.
  • Encourage the adoption of the OpenOffice.org Office Suite and other Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in South Africa.
  • Stimulate and support the development of OpenOffice.org user and developer communities in South Africa.
We are currently looking for sponsors, who are willing to provide support and funding, in order to assist us in our efforts.

If you, or your organisation, are able to assist us in any way, please contact us at [email protected].

Yours Faithfully

The Chairman

© 2003 - The OpenOffice.org Association of South Africa